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Recourses for men 


On Cortes Island

Emergency police/ambulance... 911

RCMP (non-emergency)... 250-285-3631

Mental Health Nurse... 250-850-2620

Cortes Health Centre... 250-935-6718

Family Support Worker... 250-935-6608

Qmunity – BC’s  Queer Resource Centre:

Trans Care BC: or toll free 1-866-999-1514.



In Campbell River

1-800-SUICIDE... 1-800-784-2433
Aboriginal Liaison Nurse... 250-286-7100 ext. 67305 or 250-830-8865 (cell)

Advocacy Services Centre... 250-286-3436

Aids Vancouver Island... 250-830-0787

(ACT) Team - Assertive Community Treatment - Mental Health... 250-850-2976

BC NurseLine (24 hour)... 811 or 1-866-215-4700

Vancouver Island Crisis Line... 1-888-494-3888

Crisis Nurse... 250-286-7159

Comox Valley Transition Society... 1-250-897-0511
Lilli House... 250-338-1227

Campbell River and District Association for Community Living (CRADCL)... 250-286-0391

Emergency police/ambulance... 911

Enquiry BC... 1-800-663-7867

Family Services Campbell River... 250-287-2421

Campbell River Parents Legal Centre... 778-336-9480

Campbell River Food Bank... 250-286-3226

Habitat for Humanity ReStore Campbell River... 250-830-1493

HandyDART... 250-286-3278

Campbell River Head Injury Support Society... 250-287-4323

Helpline for Children (24 hour)... 250-310-1234

Home and Community Care... 250-850-2150

Hospice... 250-286-1121


Immigrant Welcome Centre... 250-830-0171

Income Assistance and Ministry of Social Development & Social Innovation... 1866-866-0800

John Howard Society/Homeless Outreach... 250-286-0611

KDC Health Centre... 250-286-9766

Laichwiltach Family Life Society... 250--286-3430

M'akola Housing Society... 250-923-4145

Campbell River Mental Health and Substance Use Services... 250-850-2620

Ministry of Children and Family Development... 250-286-7542

North Island Employment Foundation Society (NIEFS)... 250-286-3441 or 1-866-286-6788

North Island Survivor's Healing Society - Trauma and Abuse Counselling Centre... 250-287-3325

North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society (NVIATS)... 250-286-3455

Poison Control... 1-800-567-8911

RCMP... 250-286-6221

Salvation Army General Line... 1-800-SAL-ARMY

Evergreen Emergency Shelter... 250-287-3720

OceanCrest Church... 250-287-3720

Sasaman's Society... 250-914-2212 or 1-888-597-2810

Service BC... 250-286-7555

Volunteer Campbell River... 250-287-8111

Wheels for Wellness... 250-338-0196

Youth Clinic - Campbell River... 250-850-2110


B.C men’s resource centre 

Telephone: 604-878-9033 

The B.C. Men's Resource Centre is a privately funded organization established to promote the equality of men, women and children in society through education and the development of positive outcomes in times of family crisis.

The men’s Centre: Nanaimo B.C.


Our Contact Info:

418D Fitzwilliam Street 

Nanaimo, BC Canada V9R 3A7

Phone 250.716.1551 Fax 250.716.1557

Toll Free 877.716.1551

We are open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10-12 noon 

and from 1-3 PM 


Crisis Centre

The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is a non-profit, volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis. Their services include a 24/7 distress phone line, online distress services, and community education. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE).

Alcohol & Drug Information and Referral Service

Call 1-800-663-1441 (toll-free in B.C.) or 604-660-9382 (in the Lower Mainland) to find resources and support. They can refer you to services across the province.

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